Low Budget Loans allow you to borrow amount between R500 to R3000. Employers can also make use of Low Budget Loans in the provision of small loans to its employees.
Low Budget Loans Online Application
To submit your application you can do so via their website in a simple and quick manner. To help you make an informed decision you can make use of the Sliders on the website which shows you how much it will cost you for the loan amount and period you choose. If you see you can afford it you can proceed to submit your application. You will receive feedback on your application within a short time. You can also apply by contacting them by phone, fax or email. If you are approved and you also agree to the loan terms the money is directly deposited into your bank account and you are free to attend to your financial obligations. Repayments on the loan will be done via debit orders as per agreed schedule.
Low Budget Loans are also keen on responsible lending therefore the necessary credit checks and affordability assessments will be done on your profile. Unfortunately if you have bad credit, under debt counselling, administration or have been sequestrated they cannot be assist you with a loan. As an added value service to their existing clients , Low Budget Loans offer cell phone airtime on credit to help you continue communicating with no disruption because of lack of airtime.
Low Budget Loans Contact Details
Low Budget Loans can be contacted on Telephone number 086 107 3072, Fax – 012 809 0333 or by sending an email to info@lowbudgetloans.co.za. You can also visit their website www.lowbudgetloans.co.za to apply or to find out more information.